I’m Fine Project

In early 2020 the world was succumbing to a pandemic and my husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Friends and neighbors were continually checking in and kindly asking: “How are you?” I was numb and typically answered: “I’m Fine.”  One day as the words left my mouth, I had an epiphany. I saw the paradox:  My world was collapsing but the brave little girl inside knew she must overcome and survive. Thus, the I’M FINE Project was born. The little girl in each piece inspires us to take heart and overcome the world. In time these playful parodies gave rise to both public and private comments by strangers expressing their own personal struggles. That is when I realized the I’M FINE Project was also a way to amuse and encourage others who were suffering. I am deeply aware of the pain and struggle in the world, and I do not wish to make light of suffering; but I have an optimistic aesthetic, which I am keen to convey with as much wit and whimsy as I can muster.